
1 in 4 cars managed by Spanish ports are operated by Valenciaport

  • Valenciaport leads this ranking among the Spanish ports
  • Between January and August, 381,806 automobiles were moved, 17.8% more than the same period in 2021, according to data from Puertos del Estado

Fuente: Valenciaport

The number of cars handled from Valenciaport terminals in the first eight months of the year has stood at 381,806 units of new unregistered vehicles (including loading, unloading, transits and transhipments), which represents a growth of 17.8% over the same period of 2021 according to data from Ports of the State. One out of every four goods vehicles that use the ports do so through the València and Sagunto sites. In total, between January and August, the Spanish ports have mobilised 1,655,291 vehicles, with a growth of 3.56%, making the Valencian docks the main port infrastructure in Spain for this type of traffic.

Thus, Valenciaport has managed 381,806 units, 57,674 more than the same period in 2021, i.e. an increase of 17.8%, well above the national average of 3.56%. Next comes the Port of Barcelona with 321,976 vehicles, 5% less, which makes it lose the first position. In third place is Vigo with 280,948 units and a decrease of 12.7%, followed by Santander with 183,918 and a decrease of 6.9%, and in fifth place is the Port of Pasaia with 159,951 vehicles and an increase of 15.8%.

Main markets

This vehicle traffic is mainly with Belgium, Italy and Turkey, which account for more than half of the operations. Specifically, Belgium represents 20.5%, Italy 19.6% and Turkey 13.9%. This is followed by the United Kingdom with 5.8% of the cars mobilised, the United States with 5%, Slovenia with 3.9%, Japan with 3.8% and the Netherlands with 3.6%.

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