
Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index explained in video series

Source: IMO

Maritime administration personnel, shipowners and operators can get to grips with the Energy Efficiency eXisting Ship Index (EEXI) through a new series of videos.

The films, developed by the Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping (Low Carbon GIA), provide an introduction to IMO’s EEXI requirements, how to calculate the attained and required EEXI, and how the survey and certification works.

The videos – free to access online – are between 10 and 12 minutes in duration and cover:

· Similarities and differences between EEXI and EEDI

· EEXI compliance options

· A worked example of how a ship’s required and attained EEXI are calculated

· A short quiz that enables the learner to test their understanding of EEXI

Watch the EEXI video series here

Minglee Hoe, Technical Analyst of the IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 Project said: “Providing support tools to maritime administrations and shipowners/operators who want to increase their knowledge of the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) is important in helping the industry to navigate meeting ship energy efficiency requirements and making improvements in line with the IMO GHG strategy.”

The EEXI regulation is mandatory under MARPOL Annex VI and took effect in January 2023 as part of IMO’s short-term GHG reduction measure.

A ship’s attained EEXI indicates its energy efficiency compared to a baseline. Ships attained EEXI will then be compared to a required EEXI based on an applicable reduction factor expressed as a percentage relative to the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) baseline. It must be calculated for ships of 400 GT and above, in accordance with the different values set for ship types and size categories. The calculated attained EEXI value for each individual ship must be below the required EEXI, to ensure the ship meets a minimum energy efficiency standard.

The video series was developed under the Energy efficiency technologies (EETs) and operational best practices workstream of the Low Carbon GIA. A Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) video series was released in May this year. 

Find out more about the mandatory EEXI and CII measures here.

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