
FIATA develops its maritime crisis strategy to support its members

Source: FIATA

Amid the ongoing maritime crisis, FIATA’s maritime global taskforce met last Friday to discuss the FIATA strategy. The taskforce, which reports to the FIATA Presidency, is led by Jens Roemer (FIATA Senior Vice President and Chair of Working Group Sea) and is composed of Working Group Sea subject matter experts representing the different FIATA Regions, together with the participation of certain external partners.

A 3-pillar strategic approach is envisaged to achieve the overall mission of raising awareness on the importance of freight forwarding and the risks of vertical integration on the global economy. Among others, it will require the crucial support and commitment of FIATA members around the world to bring together concrete data, in particular through the FIATA Regional Committees. The strategic plan will be presented and discussed at the next meeting of the FIATA Presidency on 22 February, as well as at the Extended Board on 10 March.

The IATA-FIATA Consultative Council (IFCC) meets this week!

This week, the 83rd session of the IATA-FIATA Consultative Council (IFCC) will take place on 23-24 February 2022, bringing together freight forwarders and airlines in this important forum to discuss matters impacting the cargo agency relationship.

Following the conclusion of the Regional Joint Council meetings of Latin America (LAACP-JC), Canada (CACP-JC) and Europe (EACP-JC), IFCC representatives will continue their preparations to formulate FIATA’s global position, taking into consideration the outputs of those meetings. FIATA thanks them for their dedication and commitment in this process.

The official freight forwarders’ pre-meeting of the IFCC will take place on 22 February 2022, which will provide the opportunity for the IFCC representatives to meet the new IFCC Chair, Stefan Amann

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