
Future Proof Shipping: first zero-emission hydrogen-powered inland container ship

On 25 May 2023, the H2 Barge 1 was taken into service in Rotterdam. This zero-emission ship from Future Proof Shipping (FPS) is 110 metres long and will sail for Nike several times a week between the port of Rotterdam and BCTN’s inland terminal in Meerhout, Belgium. This is expected to result in annual greenhouse gas emission savings of 2,000 tonnes of CO2

Source: Port of Rotterdam

Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Mark Harbers was there to present FPS founder Huib van de Grijspaarde with a special A-Zero (A0) emissions label that is only awarded to emission-free vessels. Future Proof Shipping (FPS) aims to build and operate a fleet of more than 10 zero-emission inland and shortsea vessels over the next five years.

Future Proof Shipping is a partner of Condor H2. This is a project for emission-free hydrogen-powered inland and coastal shipping. Condor H2 has more than 40 partners and was launched by a consortium, in which the Port of Rotterdam Authority participates, at the World Hydrogen Summit earlier this month. Thanks to Condor H2, it should be possible for 50 emission-free vessels to operate by 2030, achieving a total annual CO2 reduction of 100,000 tonnes.

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