
MOL Selected as “Digital Transformation Stock (DX Stock) 2022”

The past June 8th MOL announced that the company was selected as one of the “Digital Transformation Stocks (DX Stocks) 2022″ in a joint program by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). METI and TSE have teamed up on the “DX Stocks” program, which recognizes companies that have established internal systems to promote digital transformation (DX) leading to increased corporate value and competitiveness over the medium to long term, as well as outstanding achievements in digital initiatives. From the 401 companies that participated in the program this year, 33 were chosen as “DX Stocks 2022.”

MOL has engaged in various internal cross-divisional initiatives using ICT and digital technology (Note 1). In particular, its enthusiastic efforts to address new projects using digital technologies to advance safe vessel operation, including the “FOCUS project”, and a business to export secondhand agricultural machinery to Africa using its cross-border e-commerce service, “KiliMOL“, and other initiatives to enhance in-house digital literacy, were key factors in the selection.

In the FY2022 management plan “Rolling Plan 2022”, MOL positions DX as the foundation to support the improvement of its three business strategies (portfolio strategy, environmental strategy, and regional strategy), organizational strength, and workstyle reforms, and lists it as a priority item. It continually pushes ahead to advance initiatives on DX toward the realization of MOL Group Vision.

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